Cyber Security Unity is a global community and content hub that is dedicated to bringing individuals and organisations together who actively work in cyber security. The aim of Cyber Security Unity is to foster greater collaboration in the industry to help combat the growing cyber threat. Our work is showcased through the provision of strong thought leadership via blogs, articles, white papers, videos, events, podcasts and more. For more information visit

On Thursday 15th June 2023 our Founder Lisa Ventura will be speaking at a virtual event entitled “The Future of Cyber Security“.

Chaired by Professor Ciaran Martin, former CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), this event follows Cyber News Group’s highly successful run of conferences in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Attracting an exclusive audience of senior industry executives, the online/virtual conference will feature topics relevant to the ‘post COVID-19’ remote working environment as the ever-increasing number of employees across all industries continue to work from home.

We will share details of the talk she will be doing and the time it will be taking place soon.

Cyber Security Unity

Cyber Security Unity is a global community and content hub that is dedicated to bringing individuals and organisations together who actively work in cyber security. The aim of Cyber Security Unity is to foster greater collaboration in the industry to help combat the growing cyber threat. Our work is showcased through the provision of strong thought leadership via blogs, articles, white papers, videos, events, podcasts and more. For more information visit

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