Cyber Security Unity is a global community and content hub that is dedicated to bringing individuals and organisations together who actively work in cyber security. The aim of Cyber Security Unity is to foster greater collaboration in the industry to help combat the growing cyber threat. Our work is showcased through the provision of strong thought leadership via blogs, articles, white papers, videos, events, podcasts and more. For more information visit

“The Rise of the Cyber Women” is a compilation of inspiring stories from women in the cyber security industry from all over the world who are pioneers and leading the way in helping to protect the world from the growing cyber threat. Those who are included and featured in this book shared not only their stories but also their hints, tips and advice to women who are looking to pursue a career in cyber security or change their career path into cyber security.

Their tenacity and commitment to their careers in the cyber security industry is very impressive indeed.If you are a woman who is looking to make the move into the cyber security industry, you need to read this book. If you feel that you are not good enough for a career in cyber security, you need to read this book. If you suffer from “impostor syndrome” which is holding you back from a career in cyber security, you need to read this book.

Contributors to “The Rise of the Cyber Women” in order of appearance:

Lauren Zink
Goonjeta Malhotra
Liz Banbury
April Boyd-Noronha
Cheryl Torano
Celine Rowan Pypaert
Annie Jamshed
Lucy McGrother
Dr Semire Yekta
Jihana Barrett
Stephanie Luangraj
Vandana Verma Sehgal
Larisa Gabudeanu
Amy Ertan
Kavya Pearlman
Karla Reffold

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Cyber Security Unity

Cyber Security Unity is a global community and content hub that is dedicated to bringing individuals and organisations together who actively work in cyber security. The aim of Cyber Security Unity is to foster greater collaboration in the industry to help combat the growing cyber threat. Our work is showcased through the provision of strong thought leadership via blogs, articles, white papers, videos, events, podcasts and more. For more information visit

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