We are delighted to share Dan Raywood’s first write up from one of the #InfosecLunchHour sessions a couple of weeks ago. The conversation veered around the concept of Cyber Essentials, and then the following week, on the issues of hiring, skills and experience.
No names or jobs are disclosed in this blog, and all quotes are anonomised. 

If there is a barrier to entry for cybersecurity roles, it’s the demand for experience, certifications and/or qualifications. As with most professional careers, you’ve got to prove that you have the capabilities required to actually perform the job.

On a recent meeting of a collective of security professionals from different nations, professions and capabilities – the problem of hiring was addressed. Under agreement with the organisers, names and professions will not be disclosed, but one participant claimed that they were running their own startup and in hiring people “the challenge is you need experience, and how do you get it unless you have a job, it’s a vicious circle.”

Read the rest of this blog on Dan’s website here.

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